NHCS considers the safety and care of your children as a privilege.
Our campus is considered a secure campus. Doors remain locked during school hours, visitors are required to check in and wear a visitor pass while on the campus.
Background checks are run on volunteers before they begin working in classrooms, coaching soccer, or going on field trips.
Safety Drills: fire, tornado and lockdown, are conducted in compliance with state codes. We utilize parent phone notification system in the event of lockdown, and when lockdown drills are conducted.
Staff is trained in CPR, first aid and on the automated external defibrillator (AED). An AED is available in the main building.
Monthly safety inspections are conducted on the campus along with quarterly playground inspections.
Security cameras are located throughout the campuses.
Students are held in the gymnasium during dismissal until an approved pickup individual arrives.
Administration oversees the Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pickup in our parking lots to ensure safety and security of our students.